How Tech Companies Can Help Address Police Bias

Philando Castile, an African-American man who lived near Minneapolis, was stopped by police 49 times in a 13-year period. The 50th time he was pulled over he was shot dead by the officer while reaching for his identification.

Tragically, stories about police bias and racial profiling are all too common. The George Floyd incident only added fuel to the fire of an already hot topic. 

Across the US, most police officers are well-intentioned. They receive sufficient training and work at law enforcement agencies with good policies in place.

What, then, is the problem? Could it be that police training need to focus more on uprooting underlying biases?

Keep reading to learn how LEFTA Systems software suite is accomplishing just that.

The Issues With Addressing Police Bias

The US has over 18,000 police agencies, organized mostly at the county or city level. Reforms tend to target only one agency or one area, rather than changes occurring at a federal level.

This means there’s not enough data about what police do (and how they do it). For example, how often do officers use force? Why did they use it? Was it justified and was the officer held accountable?

Some suggest that technologies such as facial recognition software, terahertz laser scanners, and public surveillance cameras are the key to decreasing police bias. However, more often than not, these attempts to collect “big data” in policing only increase discrimination.

There are deeper issues at work here, including race, privacy, and power. These are the issues that tech companies must focus on to create positive changes in policing.

Tech Companies and Police Bias

Time will tell whether like technologies like surveillance cameras and facial recognition software will decrease racial bias.

In the meantime, law enforcement agencies can implement training programs that are designed to get to the heart of the issue. Here are just a few applications that LEFTA Systems offers:

Profiling Accountability Software Solution (PASS)

Our PASS software allows your officers to document data for your state’s profiling requirements. It also documents the demographics of each area where your officers patrol, allowing you to interpret the data correctly.

Force Accountability Transparency Software (FACTS)

Our FACTS software is used to document use of force incidents immediately, generate reports while in the field and provide management with instant access to all reports. Highly adaptable, this application is customized to suit each agency’s procedures and policies.

Employee Conduct Tracking (EMCOT)

With our EMCOT software, you empower the communities you serve by allowing citizens to file online reports about perceived police conduct. This early warning system allows you to monitor your employees’ performance and take action if any red flags appear.  

Police Bias and Tech: Effective Solutions

The issue of police bias is a complicated one, and America won’t solve it overnight. However, the advancements we’re making in training and technology is a big (and positive) step forward.

Don’t let your law enforcement agency become the next one to make headlines for police bias and misconduct. It’s time to upgrade your training and monitoring with LEFTA Systems highly effective applications.

Get in touch to get started with the SHIELD Suite of products and learn how it can transform the way your officers think and act. You can also call us at (800) 405-3109 with any questions.


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