According to the Washington Post, police misconduct settlements have cost law enforcement agencies over $3.2 billion in the past decade. These settlements were for allegations of misconduct by more than 7,600 officers from around the country.
More than 600 agencies and over 120,000 law enforcement officers at local, state and federal levels are using our software to better monitor incidents, identify early warning signs via our Early Intervention System (EIS) and improve trust and transparency in their communities.
LEFTA Systems has the most advanced EIS on the market. One that goes beyond tracking how many use of force incidents or complaints an officer was involved in within a 30-day period. LEFTA Systems’ EIS takes the seriousness of incidents into consideration along with dozens of other data points that can affect an employee’s performance.
Bias Profiling
Use of Force Incidents
Highly Emotional Events
Extensive Sick Leave
Law Suites & Claims
Vehicle Pursuits
Vehicle Crashes
Missed Training
Ever envisioned one software platform for all of your agency’s documentation needs? Our SHIELD Suite tracks the entire employment cycle, from recruiting and background through FTO until retirement and includes applications to track and document:
Our SHIELD Suite platform is SOC 2 Type II compliant and received the CJIS ACE seal of approval to show compliance with the FBI CJIS Security Policy.