To All Of Our Law Enforcement Colleagues and Friends:
We at LEFTA Systems are very excited to begin our Blogs feature and hope that you will too. It is not our intent to use our Blog to advertise, but to share some of the information we learn as we are talking to hundreds of law enforcement agencies through the country. With over 50,000 users of our software products there is lots to be shared.
Our Blogs will discuss Use of Force, Field Training, Managing Training Records and many other facets of law enforcement that might be of interest to you. If there are some specific areas of interest to you that you would like to see Blogs on, please let us know and we will do our best to provide you with as much information that we can.
If you find the information that we share informative please let your colleagues know. If you don’t let me know and I will make sure to get back with you. We are also looking for some Bloggers if you would like to share your expertise with your fellow LEOs. While there is no financial compensation, you will be able to keep others informed and educated and we will make sure you get all of the credit.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy shift to view our Blogs.
Stay Safe.
Bryan Selzer (MSGT Ret.), CEO
10950-60 San Jose Blvd., Suite 101
Jacksonville, FL 32223