The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) recently implemented Law Enforcement Field Training Application (LEFTA), an automated, web-based, and comprehensive field training officer (FTO) software program. LEFTA monitors, documents and tracks the on-the-job performance of police officers/sheriff deputies, corrections officers, community service officers, and communications officers/dispatchers during the field training curriculum and probationary period.
First developed by the San Jose Police Department, the FTO program trains and prepares new officers to function as solo beat officers at the conclusion of their training cycle. Field Training Officers, also known as FTOs, assess new officers in training using a score-based system which is the most popular method for training new officers. Created by FTOs and Supervisors, LEFTA from Florida-based LEFTA Systems allows the LVMPD to streamline how they capture training data and statistics which are closely monitored during a new officer’s training.
Highly user and in-the-field friendly, fully customizable, and completely paperless, the software also provides valuable analysis of this data. This can serve as an Early Warning System to help identify agency liability, ensuring the LVMPD trains new officers thoroughly to protect and serve both the local community and the city’s many visitors alike. The first group of new officers to use LEFTA started in June 2019 and will take approximately 90 training days to complete their training.
“The system has been a vast improvement compared to the system we were previously using. We are looking forward to simplifying the documentation (all aspects) of our training and reducing the number of complaints from the FTOs about the system not working at all or working very poorly,” said Sergeant Postell, Field Training Coordinator Officer at the LVMPD. “The FTOs that have logged on so far said they felt really comfortable with it and that it is very user-friendly.”
LVMPD is the largest agency in the state of Nevada with over 3,500 sworn officers, making skills-focused training efficiency and consistency a priority. Using established training platforms such as LEFTA provides for higher successful graduation rates from the FTO program and therefore higher retention rates of new officers. Specific LEFTA Systems applications can also be utilized to track the field training of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and fire departments. It also offers a wide range of training forms and reports used by most law enforcement and first responder agencies throughout the United States.
“The quality of an agency’s FTO Program will determine what type of officers they produce. Comprehensive and fully automated, hundreds of agencies are using LEFTA. We flew out to train the LVMPD officers on it and received a lot of great feedback and enthusiasm about the new system being implemented,” said Bryan Selzer, CEO of LEFTA Systems.
LEFTA Systems is one of the industry leaders in law enforcement software since 2006. Continually testing and improving their products, LEFTA Systems applications are now being used at local, county, state, and federal levels with over 300 first responder agencies throughout the United States and more than 50,000 law enforcement officers nationwide.
For more information visit LEFTA Systems website.
George Ison, National Sales Manager
(800) 405-3109 ext. 210
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